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Prophetess Linsia Nichols

Vice President Foreign Missions

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Linsia Nichols, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, was born and raised on a small Caribbean island in the West Indies. She is the youngest amongst her four siblings. She answered the call to Christ in the year of 2001. She worked diligently serving in the church helping with children and administration duties. 

In 2008 Linsia was divinely connected to her future husband, Harrison Nichols, Jr. She left her family behind and all that she was familiar with a few months later to relocate to Houston TX to be wedded. She gave birth to two daughters. Linsia and her husband served in ministry at a few churches as the Lord directed. She is a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a friend who’s working with churches and organizations in the body of Christ for soul winning and mentoring in building relationships in Christ. The vision of being a missionary to nations was birthed in 2021 where she was connected to Macedonian Gobal Missions. In 2022 Linsia set foot on the grounds of Liberia west Africa for her first mission trip. Presently, Linsia and her husband are serving together at a Faith based children’s home as house parents to teenage girls. 

Contact Me

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


W.O.C.A. Headquarters 
2154 W. Nw Hwy, Suite 205
Dallas, TX 75220

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